Drafter Tips: Safe CAD File Storage and Facilitation

By: DonaldJennings

You probably know that CAD projects take time and require a lot of space on your hard drive, especially if they are complex. Cyber-threats have become so prevalent in today’s world that it is essential to protect your CAD files. It is almost impossible to use an offline computer to create CAD designs, and that’s a fact you should agree with.

Is it possible to remain online and access all the valuable resources while keeping your CAD data safe with easy access? Yes, it is possible. Scroll down to see the tips that we have for you.

Select the right CAD file format

You will be familiar with the various file extensions for inventor software if you have worked with it. This is a long list, so a novice might be confused about which file type to choose for collaborative purposes. There are generally two main CAD file extensions.

Cloud Storage or Server

It is easy to take care of just a few CAD projects. However, it can be difficult to store and maintain safety for your CAD projects over time. The typical drawing is 500kb to 1.5Mb. However, in some cases, the files can be up to 50Mb. This is especially true if you are creating your own dynamic blocks. Layer groups allow you to add multiple descriptions and design layers for printing.

Use a VPN to secure your CAD data transfer

If you want to ensure that your CAD data structure is intact, a VPN (or Virtual Private Network) is a must. A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is a private network that allows individuals and businesses to safely access the Internet. VPN acts as an Internet access point and makes users completely anonymous.

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How does a VPN protect your data? This is why you need to understand what RAS (or VPN client software) is. Remote Access Server is the first layer in security. To access the VPN network, you will need to log in.

You will need a VPN tool to log in to this network. A VPN client will encapsulate any data packets you send into another packet. A VPN private tunnel encrypts data packets and inserts routing information (the address of the recipient) into the packet header to make them even more secure and protected from prying eyes. This means that your CAD files remain secure even when they travel through shared or public networks.